Want to know which celebrity has the same height as you? Check Wikipedia or IMDB. Want a height chart that will let guests in your house find out the same without pulling out a measuring tape and doing a Google search? Install the Who Tall Are You Mirror and let them figure it out in one glance.
A novelty mirror, it has a functional height chart printed right on the surface. Apart from centimeter-based measurements, though, it also includes the names of celebrities right at the level of their actual height.  That way, all you have to do is look at the mirror and see which name touches the top of your head to find out which celebrity maxed their upward growth the exact same way.
The Who Tall Are You Mirror lists 120 different celebrities by height, including classic actors like Humphrey Bogart, historical figures like Abe Lincoln and guys who married hot chicks like Seal. Ever wondered how you’d fare standing next to them? Now you’ll know.
According to the retail site, you’ll need to set the mirror up at exactly 1,365mm (4.48 feet) from the floor, so you can get accurate measurements. That means you can also place it at lower than the recommended elevation, in case you like lying about how tall you really are.   You can get one for around $118.
[Suck UK via The Awesomer]