Kayuso Quick Defrosting Box Gives You a Fast, Safe, and Nutrient-Preserving Way To Thaw Any Frozen Food
Frozen Beer Slushie Maker Will Make Your Beer Extra Cold And Extra Fun Someone in Japan came up with the idea of making slushies with beer, then using that slushy to...HOUSE
Kuchofuku Air-Conditioned Bed Cools Your Back During Sleep The Evening Breeze Canopi is great for low-powered bedroom air conditioning, but the actual rig is seriously pricey....GADGETSHOUSE
Manga Farming Makes A Garden Out Of Japanese Comic Books Did you know plants can grow on thick piles of paper (apparently, resourceful gardeners have been doing it...ART
Samurai Air Sword Lets You Slay Imaginary Dragons With Real Sound Effects Ever used the Lightsaber app on the iPhone? I know, it’s stupid (but hella fun).  The Samurai Air...GADGETSGIFTS
Anata No Warehouse: Japan’s Intentionally Run-Down, Seedy-Looking And Dilapidated Arcade Gaming Center This building in Kawasaki, Japan looks more like a drug den than a video arcade, but it’s supposedly...ENTERTAINMENTTO DO