A Large Pocket Shirt For Your Giant Pocket Protector Pocket shirts are useful. We doubt any of the ones in your closet can come close to the...STYLE
Teva High Heel Sandals: Because Mountain Women Can Glam It Up Too Just when you thought nobody who bathed daily wore velcro-strapped sandals anymore, Teva comes right out of whatever...STYLE
Prada Private Lets You Add Initials, Ascii-Style Graphics To Your Glasses Your glasses are nice. Don’t you wish you can customize it a bit, though, like adding a pair...STYLE
Civic Duty Makes Shoes From FedEx Envelopes Ever wondered whether you can use envelopes for shoes? You probably never even thought about it, but if...STYLE
Nike 6.0 DeLorean Dunk: Go Back To The Future In Silver Footwear Silver is usually far from most people’s ideal colorway for shoes. When the kicks are silvery because they’re...STYLE
Bodykit Bags Can Be Worn Two Ways When you buy a backpack, you get a backpack. Same when you buy a messenger bag. Bodykit wants...STYLE
Rocker Stud Snow Toolbelt Puts Multi-Tools In Your Buckle Ready to give up the Swiss Knife‘s place in your pocket, but still holding out for something to...STYLE
Patagonia Travel Belt Hides A Wallet On The Band’s Inner Side During travel, your bag can be lost, your wallet picked and your jewelry snatched. Regardless of what happens,...STYLE
Light Up Vader Shirt Makes Dressing Like A Sith Lord Easy Dressing up in a Darth Vader costume usually involves donning a bulky helmet that leaves you uncomfortable and...STYLE
Happy Hour Bottoms Up Watch Tells Time, Opens Your Beer I’ve never been a fan of novelty items with bottle openers. The Happy Hour Bottoms Up watch though,...ENTERTAINMENTGIFTSSTYLE
Precious Skin Gives Customers Temporary Tattoos…In Gold Fake tattoos are generally tacky body decorations more apt for children than older individuals. Precious Skin from Dubai,...STYLE
Perfume Makes You Smell Like A Fat Electrician Men who spray on a fragrance typically try to smell more elegant and dapper. You know, somebody like...STYLE
Electronic Music Synthesizer T-Shirt Puts A Mini-Moog On Your Chest Remember the drum kit shirt and guitar shirt? Now, you can add another piece to your growing musical...STYLE
Mutewatch Puts Some Stylish Tech On Your Wrist These days, it takes a lot to make a watch look futuristic. Too much, in fact, since most...GADGETSSTYLE
Spy Camera Shirt Hides The Spy Camera In The Spy’s Camera We’ve seen shirts equipped with spy cameras before. The Electronic Spy Camera Shirt, however, makes the camera placement...GADGETSSTYLE
Blast Boxers, Underwear With Reinforced Protection Few things can strike more fear in men’s hearts than the thought of having their crown jewels obliterated. ...LATESTSTYLE
Lingerie Dement Banishes Hooks And Clasps In Favor Of Magnets Think women’s underwear takes too long to remove? We concur. So does every bumbling lothario who still struggles...STYLE
Afterheels Saves Your Tired Feet From A Night Of Wearing Heels Men are programmed to think of women with long hair, tight dress and tall heels as hot. Even...STYLE
Altanus Patch Is A Digital Paper Wristwatch Swore you’ll never wear a digital watch again? Maybe, you’d want to change your mind with the Patch,...STYLE
Artoo, A Swimsuit For R2D2 Fans Ever since Weird Science implanted the idea of building your own robot girlfriend into the minds of impressionable...STYLE
Braille Alphabet Bracelet Is A Stylish Learning Tool For The Blind Know someone interested in learning Braille? Give them the Braille Alphabet Bracelet, a wearable learning accessory that you...STYLE
Hövding, An Airbag Helmet That Pops Out Of Your Collar Does wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle cramp your style? Ditch the headgear and wear the Hövding,...RIDESSTYLE
Graffiti Utility Backpack: A Bag For Taggers And Street Artists Even street taggers can be neat freaks. If you’re the type, throwing all your paint cans in a...STYLE
Dolbeau Brings Customizable Neckwear To Your Office Attire Most neckties you can get off the shelf are either boringly familiar or horrendously tacky. Neither option, of...STYLE
Leffot Billfold Simplifies Your Wallet Over the years, billfolds have evolved into full-sized wallets that have more pockets and features than you could...STYLE
Two Straps That Turn Your iPod Nano 6 Into A Watch The iPod Nano 6’s clock face app, combined with its clean, touchscreen-dominated front panel, just created a new...GADGETSSTYLE
Loafers With Woodblock Soles Let You Leave Better-Looking Footprints Shoe companies usually design soles with traction in mind. These unique loafers from Merrell, however, add a little...STYLE