Nike Plus Kinect Training

You already use your Nike+ gear to monitor your runs and gym workouts.  Might as well rely on Nike+ for your home exercise as well.  And you can do that with the Nike+ Kinect Training.

A new training program/exercise game for the Xbox 360, it’s like Wii Fit sans the stack of plastic gaming accessories.  Since it’s for the Kinect, all you need is the console, the motion camera and the game — none of those boxes of mess that the Wii Fit left you with back in the day (and by back in the day, we mean a little over a year ago).


The Nike+ Kinect Training is billed as a “custom training program” with its roots drawn from “elite athlete fitness.”  By that, we’re guessing it means plenty of floor and bodyweight exercises that you can do right from the comfort of your mom’s basement (or living room or bedroom, whichever the case may be).  The game will use Kinect’s sensors to gather real-time information on your movement, recognizing mistakes in posture and execution, then providing immediate feedback for improvement.  All that, of course, while watching your character carry out the same actions on the screen.

Like other Nike+ systems, it will assess numerous physical qualities, keep track of your progress and offer personalized workout plans.  While you don’t actually get to work with pseudo-equipment as with the Wii, you can interact with objects in the game during exercises (like jumping over virtual hurdles), requiring you to actually apply yourself physically.

No pricing has been announced for the Nike+ Kinect Training yet, but you can expect it in stores in time for the holidays.   It will definitely be cheaper than a gym membership, so watch out for it if you’re planning on making another resolution to lose weight at the end of the year.  You know,like you do every year…

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