We guess you can think of the Marinekart 338 as a go-kart for the water. It’s light, fast and easy to drive, making for a low-maintenance boat that you can take out for a leisurely ride around the beach or lake.
The boat’s 20mph top speed doesn’t bring anything near the thrills you’ll get with a blazing fast jet ski, but it should make for a fun romp on the water, especially when riding with a group of friends. Granted, it looks like it will turn over after a slightly gnarly wave, but the durable construction (it’s made from the same high-resistance materials used in sailboat hulls) and unsinkable sandwich build should keep it steady cruising in most moderate water conditions.
Weighing roughly 120 pounds, the Marinekart 338 is impressively lightweight for a motorized boat, allowing for easier transport than most seagoing vehicles. It measures 11.15 feet long with a 4.44-foot beam with enough space to ride up to four people (not very comfortably, though, I suspect). Basic features include an outboard motor (maximum 10 hp), lightweight alloy steering, removable bow seating, a waterproof container bag with safety equipment, unsinkable seats (so, you know, you can glue your ass on it to stay afloat when the boat breaks apart or something) and a remote bailer. Seriously, if only we can crash these onto each other like bump boats without incurring damage, it will be perfect.
You can check the official website to find dealers in Europe, Australia and the US for the Marinekart 338. No pricing details are listed, though.