The LEGO Movie 2 Minifigures Set 71023 is anticipated to be released on February 1, 2019. Set will contain 20 Limited Edition minifigures including Awesome Remix Emmet, Battle-Ready Lucy, Apocalypse Benny, Giraffe Guy, Crayon Girl, Sherry Scratchen-Post & Scarfield, Hula Lula, Watermelon Dude, Flashback Lucy, The Swamp Creature, Candy Rapper, Gone Golfin’ President Business, Apocalypseburg Abe, Vest Friend Rex, Kitty Pop, Dorothy Gale & Toto, Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow, Tin Man and a Unikitty figure. Each finely crafted minifigure comes with one or more accessory elements, plus a collector’s leaflet and a unique display baseplate.
Each figure will have a suggested retail price of US$3.99.