No matter how much some people may whine, a key fob (especially a stylish one like the Keysquare) is still the best way to hold and manage all your keys. If you’re neither a fan of pocket bulges or getting your phone scratched in your pockets, though, the Keyper should prove a more suitable alternative.
Instead of holding your keys in a fob, the new solution offers holding them in a dedicated key wallet. Simply insert your keys into the individual pouches and put this thing in your pockets where it will lay flat just like a very slim billfold.
The Keyper is a stylish-looking leather pouch with four slots that can hold one key each.  Construction is genuine calf leather, so it should go well with your favorite leather wallet, too. All the slots are individually stitched with the silhouette of a key for decoration, which also helps preserve the size of the slots over prolonged use. It measures 95 x 61.5 mm, allowing you to keep it inside any pocket in your person. The pouches are sized to fit any key with a maximum length of 56 mm.
Each “key wallet” comes with four color-coded tabs that you can loop onto your keys to make them easier to identify while sitting inside their individual slots. Of course, they’re made from leather, too, so this thing does classy all the way.
Currently, Keyper is collecting pledges from Indiegogo for funding. Only one color is available for now (brown), but they will expand the color line, depending on the level of funding that is reached. Pledges to reserve one start at $30.