Beer coozies are great for keeping your hands dry while keeping your beer chilled. So why not provide the same kind of convenience for your kids this summer. Not for beer silly, but for their icy treats. That’s exactly the idea with the IceHuggy, a coozie for wrapping around freeze pops, yogurt sticks and other similar icy treats.
Just like regular beer coozies, these sleeves protect you from the torture of having to wrap your bare hands around frozen ice pops for extended periods of time. Since it acts as an insulating barrier between your warm hand and the icy treats, it lets them stay frozen for longer, too, ensuring you can enjoy them in a more leisurely manner.
The IceHuggy is an insulated sleeve that you literally wrap around whatever icy treat you’re enjoying. You know, just like you probably do with paper towels, except in more reusable form. It’s constructed from a soft and stretchy material, so it can fit most any size of freeze pop you decide to enjoy, that you secure tight using a fold-down Velcro closure. Not sure if the sleeve can be stretched enough to serve your nighttime beer chugging needs, but it’s probably well worth the try (everything is well worth the try for the pleasure of beer, of course). The fabric also supposedly acts like a sponge that can soak up moisture in case the summer snacks begin to melt.
You can get the IceHuggy in sets of two (so you can enjoy different-flavored freeze pops in each hand), priced at $6.99.