Comments on: Use The Furniture Bible To Learn How To Maintain And Restore Your Favorite Furnishings Wed, 21 Jun 2017 02:35:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rose D Wed, 21 Jun 2017 02:35:24 +0000 I am getting this for myself right now! The Furniture Bible is great for anyone, homeowner, apartment renter – it doesn’t matter. We all want to take care of our furniture. I know a lot of people who just call someone else, but I would really love to be able to do all these things. I think it’s great for people who don’t have a lot of money like myself and can learn how to fix up their hand me downs. It’s cheap for a hardcover and has glowing reviews on Amazon and Good Reads too. I am definitely bookmarking it too, I have lots of handy friends who this would make an excellent gift for.

By: kirsten Mon, 08 Jun 2015 02:03:58 +0000 at first i thought this was the real bible lol i was confused. anyway, this is an awesome idea! not only men, but a lot of people in general don’t know much about proper furniture maintenance and it can be super expensive to make the mistake of purchasing and using the wrong product on your good furniture. do these come with advice for getting stains and small nicks, etc. out of wood too?

By: William Sat, 06 Jun 2015 22:01:47 +0000 This is a really nice book, and for the price it seems more than reasonable. There’s lots of information here, and I appreciate that it comes with pictures as I’m more of a visual learner. For those of us ‘old timers’ that still fancy getting their information from a paper book, this is very ideal for on the go projects. Besides, for where theres no internet, you’ll still be able to access this information. Furniture, like a car, is an investment of your money and time–as most require some sort of regular maintenance. It’d be nice to have this on hand, so that I can ensure I am properly taking care of my oak wood tables, marble countertops, and cherry wood flooring–especially if and when it gets a nick or just isn’t looking as beautiful as one I originally bought it! A lot of cleaner products can have harmful chemicals that could otherwise harm or damage the integrity of your authentic furniture if used improperly.
