Date rape sucks. Unfortunately, it’s also a reality for a lot of women in the dating scene. Rather than watch your beverage with an eagle eye, 2 Love My Lips includes test strips with their lip gloss that you can use to check if your drinks have been roofied.
Sure, it’s not the same as eradicating the problem altogether, but the intention’s in the right place. It’s easy to acquire, won’t offend your date (if you dip that strip discreetly, that is) and it’s easy to carry along.
The 2 Love My Lips lip gloss comes in five different variants, each one armed with roofie-detecting strips out of the box. Just dab the ends on your drink and it will immediately turn blue when signs of common spiking drugs like Ketamine and GHB are found present.
Of course, it’s a real lip gloss too, so it should plump your lips like the rest of those cylindrical dab-dab thingies. By the way, if any of you find drugs on your drinks, don’t hesitate to contact the manufacturers and thank them (after calling the police, of course).
The gloss is currently available in the UK for around $16 a pop, with availability in the rest of Europe, US, Far East and Australia slated soon.