We’ve seen go-karts that successfully beat race cars on actual circuits, so ridiculously powerful karts aren’t entirely new. The Daymak C5 Blast, however, brings two novel innovations: it can do a 0-to-60 faster than any go-kart in existence and it will do that using an all-electric drivetrain.
Able to go from standstill to 60 mph in just 1.5 seconds, the kart should easily smash the current official world record, which stands at an impressive 2.635 seconds. Heck, the darn thing should pack enough power to leave every supercar in its dust in a head-to-head drag race, making for one truly impressive ride.
The Daymak C5 Blast uses eight EDF motors on the sides to provide upward thrust, which helps negate much of the vehicle’s 400-plus pound weight, while a liquid-cooled 10000-watt brushless motor and four EDF motors provide the forward thrust, allowing it to blast through the gates at a ridiculous pace. A dozen Hobbywing HV 200A ESC units ensure it stays stable all through the ride, with hydraulic disc brakes providing the necessary stopping power. As of now, range is unspecified, although the 2500Wh lithium battery array should keep you on the tracks for a decent amount of time.
Two configurations of the Daymak C5 Blast will be available: one with all the specs we listed and one without the EDF motors, which is still fast enough to do a 0-to-60 in under four seconds. Price is $9,999 for the slower model and jumps to $59,999 for the sub-two-second model.