Traveling with a bike in tow isn’t an easy job. While you can use your travel bags to hold disassembled bike parts, it’s probably also the fastest way to damage expensive luggage and trunks. The Pro XL-C Bike Box should prove a better fit for the task.
Made by Crate Works, it’s a shipping box designed specifically for holding all the parts of your favorite bicycle. That way, you can simply send your bike via UPS instead of lugging it around, so you can have it with you during that recreational trip to China. It meets airline specs, too, so you can check it in as luggage if you’d rather not be apart from your bike for longer than the duration of the trip.
When not in use, the Crate Works Pro XL-C Bike Box can fold flat, so you can square it away in a corner of your garage neat and tidy. Measuring 11 x 30 x 45.5 inches, the plastic container should fit most common bicycles when taken apart, although tandem bikes and extra-long frames like the Donky Bike are probably out of the question. It comes sporting handle cutouts on the box to make carrying it easier, with all the straps (400 inches, sporting hook and loop fasteners) and foam you’ll need included with each.
The Crate Works Pro XL-C Bike Box is available now, priced at $239.