Still using a desktop calculator for whatever reason? No, that Wrongulator doesn’t count. Whether you’re an accountant who does your tax calculations on that or a storeowner who’s used an adding machine for years, you have to admit: having to manually encode all those numbers onto a PC some time down the line will be painstaking. That doesn’t have to be the case with the Transfer to PC Adding Machine.
Instead of merely putting its output onto the calculator’s fluorescent green display and roll of receipts, the contraption also sends the data straight to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, A Word document or a tax software on your computer. That way, you don’t have to enter anything twice — everything you do on the calculator gets on your PC, too.
The Transfer to PC Adding Machine looks like a standard desktop printing calculator like the ones people still use in accounting offices and banks and most any place where they do plenty of number crunching. It comes with all standard adding machine functions (cost, sell, tax keys, sigma percent and all that), complete with printing to 2.25-inch paper for double-checking calculations later. It prints black and red ink at a rate of 4.6 lines per second.
For the data transfer, it pairs with a wireless receiver that hooks up to a USB on your computer.  It’s only compatible with Windows machines, though, because Mac users are too sophisticated for old school gadgetry (that, or they’re all graphic designer hipsters or something — just kidding).
Need a Transfer To PC Adding Machine in your life? Hammacher Schlemmer has it for $169.95.