Thanks to iFixit and other websites that tear down gadgets to post their “naked” pictures, we know there’s enough space inside the new Mac Mini to hold a second hard drive. Even better, you can now do something about that wasted space with the Mac Mini Dual Hard Drive Kit.
Of course, you can already get the Mac Mini with dual drives by going for Apple’s Server option. But that’s an extra $400 that’s a little too rich for comfort. With this DIY set, you can do the deed yourself, using any spare SSD or HDD you already have gathering dust in the garage.
Made by iFixit, the Mac Mini Dual Hard Drive Kit contains everything you’ll need to open the gadget’s aluminum panel and fill that empty space with a fully functional secondary storage. Set consists of a proprietary SATA cable, mounting grommets, mounting screws, a tool for removing the Mac Mini’s logic board, a spudger and a 26-piece but driver kit.
Not only can you add a hard disk, you can use the kit to replace the Mini’s original drive with even beefier storage. Imagine two 750GB drives on that tiny computer and let your imagination run wild.
Instructions for using the Mac Mini Dual Hard Drive Kit is available right from iFixit’s website. Price for the package is $69.95.